Too Much of Anything is Bad

Growing up, I assumed when we say too much of everything is bad; it refers to every negative action. Now, I know better.

I now understand that it is beyond eating food, watching movies. It cut across our religious and cultural beliefs.

Someone asked Buddha – what is poison?

According to Mahatma, having more than you need of anything in life is poisonous – like strength, wealth, hunger, greed, pride, laziness, desires, expectations, love, or hate.

When something is consumed excessively, it loses its value and no longer provides benefits.

Stop, this life of left or right. No, there is a middle. Between every black and white, there is a grey.

As with anything in life, too much of something is bad for you, just as too little of anything is bad for you.

Below are Examples of Too Much of Everything is Bad

1) It is wise to show affection towards a baby; however, if we excessively shower them with love, there is a high chance that they will become spoiled.

2) Requiring daily exercise can have a positive impact on your overall well-being. On the other hand, when you have an excessive amount of it, it often leads to illness. Exercising within the appropriate limits is a smart decision for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

3) So, don’t be too good or too wise — why kill yourself? 17But don’t be too wicked or too foolish, either — why die before you have to? 18Avoid both extremes. If you have reverence for God, you will be successful anyway. – Ecclesiastes 7: 16-18

4) You need to be careful with how much sugar you eat – too much is bad, too little is worse. What you put in your body determines how it will hit you.

5) Finding the correct size for a shoe is essential because if it is too loose or too tight, it can result in trouble and discomfort, whereas the right size ensures comfort.

6) It’s great to seek knowledge. Be careful not to read too many books or it could harm your eyes and health.

7) A solid night’s sleep will make you feel amazing. When you sleep too much, it’s not good for you.

8) When you overwork, your brain gets super stressed and you can’t work as well.

The happiest person on earth is someone who’s humble, balanced, and satisfied. That’s why we should avoid too much of everything.

It’s important to have a good balance in life. If you want to be happy in the long run, live a disciplined life.

The key is to find a balance between work and life.

Too Much of Anything is Bad