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7 Reasons Vision is Important for Your Greatness

The top is a place every man aspires to be in life. No man ever wants to stay below. Everyone in life has an ardent desire for greatness.

In spite of this desire, it is so pathetic to discover that only a few people eventually become great.

Why is this so? There is no other reason for this than a lack of vision. Yes, lack of vision breeds mediocrity.

Irrespective of whatever dream and ambition a man has, if there is no vision, those dreams and ambitions will be a mirage.

Vision is important, so you must have it if you really want to become great in life.

Show me a man who has been able to establish himself in greatness, and I will show you a man who is a visionary.

Aspirations are not the only thing you need to navigate your path to greatness.

There is a need for you to have a tangible vision that will bring your aspirations to reality.

Proverbs 29:18 says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.”

This means that the absence of vision in a man’s life will lead to spiritual strongholds. In fact, to have no vision in life is to plan to settle for less in life.

This is because what you cannot see, you cannot become, and what you have not conceived, you cannot deliver.

It takes conception to have a delivery date. If a woman has no baby in her womb, she will have no baby to deliver.

Similarly, you will have nothing to deliver in life if you have no vision.

In light of this, I have written this article to help you see, know, and understand why vision is important to bring your dreams and aspirations to reality.

Hence, I advise you to adopt the regurgitation method when reading this article.

Read and meditate prayerfully on every fact in this article.

As you do this, you will receive a vision that is able to transport you to your land of greatness, in Jesus’ name, amen.


Vision is the ability of a man to see a glorious picture of his future. It is the transportation of a man from the realm of the visible to the invisible realm, where he gets to understand what God wants him to do.

7 Reasons Vision is Important for Your Greatness

Genesis 13:14–15 says,

“And the Lord said unto Abraham, after that lot was separated from him, lift up now thine eyes and look from the place where thine hath “northward and southward and eastward and westward, for all the land which thou seest to thee will I give it and to thy seed forever.”

Vision is that destination a man can see with the eyes of his mind from the present position he is in.

It is an entity that does not dwell in the realm of the present but rather in the futuristic realm.

When a man has a vision, it means that he is able to look beyond the present into his future and see the glorious plan that God has for him.

Such a man has the big picture of the future that God wants him to feature in.

He is able to know what the future holds for him, regardless of his present circumstances.

Genesis chapter 13:14–15 reveals what vision is.

When God told Abraham to lift up his eyes and look around at the four cardinal points of the world, He promised that whatever he saw would be given to him.

Your vision is the thing you see God giving you. It is that great thing you see God using you for.

It is that exploit you see God using you for across the universe. It is the mental picture of what you desire to become.

In addition, vision may be defined as the divine revelation of your future.

This definition could be seen in how God made Joseph to see what he would become in the future (Genesis 37:5–10).

As a teenager or a youth, you need this vision to find your path in life.

If you do not want to become mediocre in life, you must be able to see into the big picture of your glorious future.

God asked Jeremiah, “What seest thou?”

In the same way God asked Jeremiah this question, I am also asking you the same.

  • What can you see?
  • What do you see yourself becoming?
  • Do you see yourself becoming great? Can you see into the glorious plan of God for you?
  • Do you even see yourself as something big in life?
  • Are you able to create a mental picture of your future in your mind?

If your answer to these questions is yes, then it means you have a vision. However, if your answer is no, then it means you need to get a vision for your life.

When I say get a vision, I mean getting a worthy vision that would convey you to your promised land.

Otherwise, you will live this life as a fugitive.


If this is the question you are asking yourself now, you do not have to bother yourself too much about it, because that is what I am about to reveal to you.

Keep following me through this content as I give the answers to this question.

Getting a vision for your life is not something that is difficult to do.

If you can trust God, He will give you a worthy vision because He is the giver of great visions.

There are different records in the Bible and in our world today of different men who received different visions from God.

God’s general like John Wesley, Kathryn Khulman, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, the late Archbishop Benson Idahosa, Bishop Oyedepo, Daddy E.A. Adeboye received great visions from God. In the same way that they did, you can also receive great visions for your life.

God is the source from which worthy visions flow.

This is why God said in Jeremiah 33:3 that you should call upon Him so that he can show you great and mighty things that you do not know.

This is because you can’t get a worthy vision using your common sense. If you desire to have good vision, you must trust.

God for divine revelation. The reason is that vision is a divine revelation of God’s plan for you.

Having known this, the next question is: how can I get a worthy vision from God?

Well, it is not something difficult; you only need to follow some processes. Some of these processes are what I have explained below.


God doesn’t give visions to strangers. He does not give worthy visions to those who do not have a cordial relationship with Him.

If you want to have a worthy vision for your life, you must build an intimate fellowship with God.

Just as it takes sexual intimacy between a husband and a wife to reproduce children, it also takes having an intimate relationship with God to get a vision from him.

If you check through the records of those who have received visions from God, you will discover they were men who had intimate relationships with God.

They are men who have built a close friendship with God instead of communicating with him.

Therefore, you must also work on building a personal relationship with God in order to get a vision for your life.


The Bible is a compendium of God’s word. It is the compilation of God’s mind and plan for his people.

It is God’s inspired texts, which He wrote through men. It contains a lot of visions from which you can pick.

During my early days of conversion, God used his words to give me a lot of visions.

Whenever I study the word and meditate on it, I often hear God communicating his mind to me.

I see Him revealing his plans for my future to me. I hear him telling me things that he wants me to do in my generation from that scripture.

Do you want to get the vision for your life? I recommend that you study and meditate on God’s word consistently.


Prayer is another way of understanding God’s vision for your life. It is one of the surest ways you can get a revelation of God’s plan for you.

Show me a man who can pray, and I will show you a man who has the power to download the hidden picture of his future from the heavenly portal.

When you pray, the eyes of your mind open to see things that a natural eye cannot see.

You begin to see revelations of God’s thoughts for you. I have had several testimonies of how people received great visions from God through prayers.

In fact, I am a testimony too.

I remember a day I was coming from a program. As I was going home, I engaged in a prayer walk where I began to speak in tongues.

While praying, God began to communicate certain things to me. He gave me visions that will make me a solution for my generation.

This is the power of prayer. Therefore, I advise you to pray consistently and earnestly if you want to get a vision for your life.


Your passion is also a good source of vision if it is influenced by God. This is because you can turn your passion into a vision.

When you pray and study God’s word, he will instill in you a passion for certain things.

In the book of Nehemiah, Nehemiah received a vision to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem through passion.

When Hanani and certain men brought the bad news of the broken wall of Jerusalem and the burned gate, Nehemiah went into the secret place of prayer.

In the place of prayer, his passion to rebuild the walls was ignited. God saw this and made him find favor in the sight of King Artexexes (Nehemiah 1:1ff).

What is your passion? What are you so passionate about? The answers you give to these questions can become a compass for finding your vision.


This is another way through which God can give you vision. Joseph gained vision for his future through dreams.

Joseph understood the glorious picture of God’s plan for his future when he dreamt and saw his brothers’ sheaves bowing to his own sheaf.

If your dream life is influenced by the spirit of God, you can rely on it to get a worthy vision from God.


These are the heavy weights of pain and grief you feel towards a situation in your heart.

Moses in the Bible received the vision to become the Israelites’ deliverer as a result of the burden he felt in his heart.

The pains, the hurts, the griefs, and the anger he always felt when he saw them being afflicted under the leadership of the pharaoh generated a passion in his heart to deliver them.

This passion later became a vision when God confirmed it with His words.

You can also get a vision for your life through the burdens you feel in your heart.

If you have the burden of raising purposeful teenagers and youths for God’s glory, you can build a vision around it.

If the way teenagers and youth are engaging in sexual immorality gives you heart pain, you can build a vision around it.

In a nutshell, burdens are good sources of vision. Hence, you should never look down on them.


You can also get good vision through this means. One purpose of vision is to create solutions for generational problems.

So, if you want to get a great division for yourself, you can do so by identifying the problems, challenges, and struggles of people around you.

What do you think those you have around you struggle with? What are their challenges?

Do you have the answers to them? Can you offer a solution to this problem?

Go ahead and ask yourself these questions. Your answers will help you get a vision for your life.

Joseph became a solution to the famine that ravished Egypt for seven years. Moses delivered the Isrealites from Pharaoh.

Esther delivered the Jews from Haman’s evil plots. Find that thing you can also be a solution to.


Having a vision for your life comes with a lot of benefits. Among those benefits, I have highlighted seven for your consumption and edification. You can read them below.


Since purpose is the reason behind your existence, your vision will help you live a purposeful life.

When you have a vision for your life, it helps you to live a meaningful life. It inspires you to live with purpose and by purpose.


The Bible says, “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” This means that the absence of vision in a man’s life will lead him to destruction.

However, if you get a vision for your life, you will be prevented from walking on the path that leads to destruction.


Vision has the power to take you to the land of greatness. Joseph became a prime minister in the land of Egypt because of his vision.

When you have a vision, you are on the path to greatness.


The reason the devil finds it easy to steal, kill, and destroy many destinies today is because they have no vision for their lives.

When you have vision, it will guide your steps. It will help you stay away from forming alliances with the devil.

This, in return, will help you keep and preserve your destiny.


It is a lack of vision that makes a man comfortable in his comfort zone. When you have vision, you won’t be able to sleep on the bed of complacency.

It becomes difficult for you to feel comfortable with mediocrity. Your vision will keep riding you until you attain excellence in life.


This is another benefit of vision. Mike Murdock, in his book *The Assignment,” said you were created to solve a problem.

It becomes possible for you to be a solution to people’s problems when you have a vision.

This is because your vision always comes with a solution to a generational problem.


This is the ultimate benefit of having a vision in life. The Bible made us understand that we were created to give God pleasure (Revelation 4:11).

You were created to glorify him, and one way you can achieve this is by having vision.

This is because when a man has a vision, he will be able to do what God wants him to do. You will be able to edify men and also glorify God.


In conclusion, vision is a powerful tool you need to have if you want to become great in life.

Helen Keller once said that the worst thing about being blind is to have sight without vision.

This shows that vision is powerful. Therefore, I advise you to go to God so you will get a worthy vision for your life.

May you never live a visionless life, in Jesus’ name, amen. Many thanks to you for always reading through. God bless you greatly!

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