29 Life Advice for Young Men Below 30

Below is life advice arranged in no order as tips for younger men looking forward to being productive and fulfill purpose. These tips cut across major aspects of life.

1) Always listen to your woman but make your own decision. Place your purpose above your relationship.

2) Always listen to your woman but make your own decision. Place your purpose above your relationship.

3) A man’s highest priority is his purpose, not his intimacy. Focus on your mission while she focuses on living.

4) Whatever you do, do it well and for love that you will no longer desire to do it again.

5) Hang out with your friends. Sit with friends who tell you the truth.

6) Discipline yourself so that you minimize distraction and enjoy the process that leads to your purpose.

7) Take care of your family, but not at the detriment of your purpose.

8) Pause occasionally on your work to reflect if you are moving in the right direction.

9) Never wait for your woman to get easier, you get better.

10) Don’t believe in total what your woman is saying, especially when she is in her emotional state.

11) Counter her mood with love because you can’t solve her emotional problem.

12) Praise more rather than you challenge your woman. Don’t allow her analyse, take control. She wants you to take charge.

13) Don’t fix your woman; conquer her with courage.

14) Help your woman make better decisions yet let her trust her feelings.

15) Accepts a woman’s attraction but don’t sleep with her. Sex with other women complicates your life more than the pleasure it offers. Be stingy with ejaculation.

16) Never go into a relationship with a woman excepts she chose you first. Choose a woman that compliments you.

17) Young women come with a special energy. Appreciate the older women.

18) Don’t turn your woman to partner by always engaging her with talks about finance and daily chores.

19) Temporary dissatisfaction should not end your marriage. A life of no stress is a life of no freedom.

20) Ignore the content of her words, pay attention to what is right.

21) Your past success means nothing to her than your present failure. Don’t impress her.

22) Feel free to express your sexual desire with your woman. But understand that your pleasure with a woman is temporary and can never be enough.

23) Your woman will continue that which you cannot curtail. Don’t tolerate her tension. Be capable of violence but don’t be violent.

24) Turn your lust into a form of energy that helps you serve the world.

25) Love her more in the days she seems not to be beautiful.

26) A healthy desire for wealth is not greed; it’s a desire for life.

27) It is only natural that you grow and not remain stagnant.

28) Be grateful to God for the gift of money because it has helped you live your highest purpose.

29) Love Yourself!