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Challenges: The Second Source of Passion

In the last post, I discussed curiosity, the first source of passion. Today, we discussed Challenges, the second source of passion.

You can challenge yourself or be challenged by outside forces.

Poverty and deprivation can lead to personal challenges.

The bible state in Proverbs 24: 33-34

Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So, shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth; and thy want as an armed man.

People have been sharing stories of going from nothing to everything for a long time now.

Challenges have taken presidents from humble beginnings to positions of power.

The pressure to prove yourself to your family and society can also act as a force of challenge.

When a son inherits his father’s business, he’s motivated to make it even better and prove himself.

The goals set by the boss also give the teams a challenge.

When rival groups are really into competing, it leads to an intense chase for the markets. That is also a force of challenge.

Pepsi and Coca Cola, Nike and Adidas, they’re in fierce competition, always trying to outshine each other with their products and sales.

In these intense battles, dedicated employees climb the ladder fast.

When a man loves a woman or his kids, he will do whatever it takes to succeed and give them the best care and education.

We want a bigger, better house, a faster car, the latest phones and clothes.

These must haves are also challenges and rewards for our work.

It is up to you to determine what challenges you. When you find it, just do it.

When a mountaineer was asked why he climbed the mountain, he said – Because it’s there! Its existence as an insurmountable peak challenged him.

If nothing challenges you, your passion cannot reach its full potential. Combine your passion with the right pursuit and you will excel at it.

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