Leaders Eat Last Book Review and Summary by Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek, in his book, Leaders Eat Last, teaches the core factor common to all successful organization. This factor is leadership not managerial activities.

An organization that will succeed must be led not manage.

A case study he mentioned is the US marine corps. The discipline, team spirit and heart of service that exists among them.

That at any gathering where the marines wants to eat, they serve the junior soldiers first.

It is because great leader view it as a privileged to lead other and understand the cost of leadership.

John Quincy Adams once said, “If you actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, you are a leader.”

Chapters Summary of Leaders Eat Last

1. Protection from Above

This chapter started with a story of a brave soldier with empathy, Captain Mike Drowley, popularly called Johnny Bravo.

Johnny because of his empathy and bravery was why the 22 US soldier sent to Afghanistan to capture the Alqaeda leader, Osama Bin Laden, was successful.

He risked his life that others may survive.

By protection from above, it means as a leader it is your duty to protect those you lead from above at all angles. Even, if this comes with no recognition and reward.

Beyond tools and accessories, empathy is your greatest assest as a leader. When you prioritise the well being of the people you lead, they will in return give their everything to protect the well being of the organization and their fellows.

2. Employees are People Too

This chapter focuses on the importance of trusting your employees, those you lead. It states the importance of treating all equal.

Most times, organization gives more freedom to senior staff and deny the Junior staff of the same opportunity.

Simon Sinek in his book, Leaders Eat Last, said this approach of inequality is not good.

While limiting the junior staff freedom and access may prevent theft, it also a powerful reminder that management do not trust them.

Personally, I decided in my companies, what will differentiate senior staff from Junior staff are their roles and salaries. Both will have equal opportunity to be their best.

There are organizations today that a junior staff cannot access the CEO; he/she must follow process.

Yes, process is good but this type will deny the leader from knowing the truth he needs to hear.

If senior staff are having 1 hour lunch break, allow the junior staff also have theirs. Don’t cut it to 30 minutes or shifts to the next day.

All employees are important for the progress and success of the organization.

3. From “Me” to “We”

While there are things we cannot control, there are things we can.

We can’t control the use of strategies of our competitors nor the impact of government policies on our businesses.

But you can control how your employees see themselves. Politics, technology and more are all external factors. But your employees belief in themselves and a sense of the company ownership is internal.

My people will say, “If inside forces does not destroy you, the outer forces cannot”.

Don’t stress too much about the external forces because they are not controllable. Pay attention to the internal forces.

The goal of leadership is to set a culture that promotes trust among workers. To make them free of danger and remove any doubts of fear for another.

And the way to do this is by giving people a sense of belonging. By believing in the power to make good decisions. By offering trust and empathy.

As a leader, you must create an environment of safety; where people feel safe with one another.

Once the employees fee safe, they will protect the organization from external threat.

I need to know beyond doubt that my colleague has my back and will not betray me.

This way, I can invest my energy into works that progress the company.

The strength and success of a company does not come its products and services but from how united it’s people are.

Here is a story…

A lion used to prowl about a field in which four oxen used to dwell.

Many a time, he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near them, they turned their tails to one another.

So, that whichever way he approached, he was met by the horns of one of them.

At last, the four oxens had a quarrel, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field.

Then, the lion attacked them one by one and soon ended the four.

United, we stand; divided, we fall.

4. Yeah, but…

Stress and anxiety at work have less to do with the work we do and kore to do with weak management and leadership.

When we know there are people at work who truly care about our well being and how we feel, our stress and anxiety goes down.

But when leaders care more about figures sand data more than the employee, it becomes an issue.

This is why we are willing to change jobs without any form of remorse for the company .A company where your employee don’t feel belong, they can’t be loyal to.

Another evil found in companies is not recognizing the effort of employees. Everyone wants to be recognized. Everyone wants to be praised.

I have a mantra, “Praise publicly, correct privately.”

When people don’t feel recognized for work done, their stress level goes up. Remember, a single stressed and unhappy employee will infect others too.

It’s not the demands of the job that causes most stress, but the degree of control workers have at work.

The more we fell we are in control, the more happy we become.

The feeling of being in charge of your life makes a greater percentage of your happiness.

As a leader, it is your responsibility to make everybody safe and trusted in your organization.

Stop managing people in a way that cost them their health and ask cost the company money.

This is not the time to point fingers but to pull people together and do something useful.

Conclusions of Leader Eat Last Book Summary

As a leader, you must build an organization where employees come to work for each other and notr for the company. In this way, they feel valued.

Being a leader is being a parent, the organization is your family.

You need to care for every member in sickness and in health.

Your employees are not commodity to be used nor instruments to drive up numbers. It takes an excellent culture to build an excellent company.

The people is the culture. The culture is the people. Your ability to grow the culture (people) create lasting success of rthe organization.

Build a system that makes your employees see themselves as trusted allies not competitors nor opposition.

Remember, if you can’t beat the competition inside, you can’t beat the competition outside. Prioritize the well-being of your people.

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