7 Reasons I Love Simplicity: A Simple Life is Beautiful

From the days of John the Baptist, I have been a lover and advocate of keeping things simple.

At least, ever since I escaped depression.

I solely believe in the power of KISS – Keep it Short and Simple.

Embracing simplicity and living a simple life means getting rid of the unnecessary stuff and putting your time and energy into what really matters.

Your life will be full of meaning, living it your way.

You have got all the time and space to do what you love and create the life you want.

Reasons You Should Embrace Living a Simple Life

1. Your money situation gets better.

Sell what you don’t need and only buy what you love or actually need. Having fewer things allows for living in a smaller space.

I remembered when leaving from my previous place to where I am now; I had to sell lots of things.

My current space is small but feels more comfortable than the previous.

If you spend less because of simplicity, your finances will be more secure.

When you have a lot of money, life is way less stressful. Don’t worry, the peace of mind is worth the little you give up.

2. You don’t get angry easily.

Living simply helps you see the situation for what it really is. You’re less stressed because your mind has less to worry about.

Don’t make your life harder by rushing into a quick decision.

3. Your health gets stronger.

If you prioritize what matters, you’ll be less stressed and healthier.

Stress can mess with your mood, blood pressure, and mental health, among other things.

4. Your relationships gain depth and meaning.

You could have fewer friends, but the ones you have will be way closer. When your life is simpler, it’s easier to focus on the other person.

The interaction is more genuine when you don’t have to impress them.

5. Simplicity and freedom are linked.

The more things you own, the more things you gotta take care of, the more your ego needs attention, and the less freedom you got.

Keep it simple by focusing on what matters to you and forgetting the rest. Living simply means you’re free.

6. You discover more about yourself.

If you stop getting so caught up in your iPhone and stressing about being a CEO by 40, you can learn more about yourself.

Your life’s more streamlined.  The less stuff you have and the fewer things you have to do, the less clutter you’ll have.

It’ll save you time on cleaning and organizing. Of course, you’ll have more free time.

Picture yourself not having to waste time organizing your life and getting rid of things you don’t want.

7.  You stay true to yourself and your values.

Society these days is all about things that don’t bring joy or satisfaction.

Money can’t buy happiness, even with a big house, fancy car, and a second home in Abuja. Lots of people are miserable because life is so expensive.

Conclusion on Living a Simple Life

When you keep it simple, you don’t care about materialistic stuff. You just do what feels right, without worrying about what it looks like.

What will you do with all the extra time you get from living a simple life. Because this is one of the best things about living simply.

Learning to relax can be a challenge when you’re constantly on the go. But free time is a blessing.

Ecclesiastes 7:29 GNB says…

This is all that I have learnt: God made us simple, but we have made ourselves very complicated.

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