Is Karma Real? Does Karma Actually Exist?

I read somewhere online where people disregarded the existence of Karma? (That’s if it ever exists though).

Some claimed to know one or two people whom they called evil (by their actions) yet are still living happily.

A user mentioned of a girl he knew that committed 7 abortions and still got happily married to a responsible man.

Yet same him know of a girl who has kept herself for long still couldn’t find someone to marry.

Is Karma real?

Another user took it to our politicians. In his words, “If Karma is real, why are those politicians who looted money still alive and doing fine”.

Another great point.

As if the bible was in support that karma is not real and does not exist, it stated in Ecclesiastes 7:15 that good men die young while the wicked keep living.

In Yoruba land, if a child beats his mother, they will say his own child will do the same to him.

Does that mean the woman beaten did the same (beat) her own mother when she was younger?

These give more reasons people don’t believe karma is real. That life just happen at its own time.

As much as these points above are valid, I believe karma is Real.

That Karma did not happen in ways you expect does not deny it existence.

It doesn’t deny the truth that it has happened, but now differently than you could connect.

A murderer may still walk freely because of the injustice in the land.

To you, who is outside, you would think all is well with him, since he is yet to be murdered as well.

But when you move closer to him, you will realise he is battling serious health challenges. Or his daily headache is his children’s way of life.

So, that something didn’t return in ways you expect does not mean it has not returned; it just followed a different path.

Karma is Real and does exist.

Looking at the bible, it says in Galatians 6:7 that we should not be deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

And the best form of Karma is to forgive and let go. Doing this, you are watching to see what happens to the other person.

Instead, you focus on yourself and channel your attention to your building up.

With these few points of mine, I hope I have been able to convince you and not confuse you that Karma is real and does exist.

Thank you.


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