5 Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies in Nigeria

Learn how agents and companies can market real estate online in Nigeria using the best digital marketing strategies.

Real estate is an information-driven industry with high-value transactions and many middlemen, like agents and firms.

Being a competitive industry, a lot of agencies are coming into the markets, fighting for the little available property and investment buyers.

You have been in the real estate industry for years, running the best property management and marketing company in Nigeria.

And you can testify that in the past, it was easy to see buyers begging to buy. But that’s not the story today.

And so, for your real estate agency to excel and lead among many here in Nigeria, you need working marketing ideas.

That’s why I am here, to show you the exact way you can.

  • Build business reputation,
  • Attract top leads and book appointment.
  • Close Sales with clients.

Let’s start.

Digital Marketing For Real Estate Agents or Companies In Nigeria

1. Know Your Clients

This is one of the best real estate digital marketing strategies for both agents and companies to market their properties or investments online.

5 Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies in Nigeria

Everything begins with understanding who you want to sell to – your client.

This is my first approach to executing successful digital marketing strategies for real estate companies.

You must know your audience or buyer persona before you begin any marketing, whether online or offline.

A few days ago, I received a call from the head of marketing in a real estate firm in Lagos. He complained of how leads they are generating are not converting.

After many questions and answers, I realized they (the agency) themselves are the ones having issues of knowledge. They have little to no understanding of who their audiences are.

They are trying hard to sell to everyone. No wonder they are failing. So, a random person who sees their ads just fill in his email and phone number.

Are your buyers’ low income or top income earners? Are they business owners or employees?

Do they have knowledge of real estate? When was the last time they purchase a real estate property or investment?

How do you differentiate them?

So, you can deepen your understanding of your customers, answer the following questions:

  • What are their reasons for buying properties? Retirement, pleasure, or profit.
  • Who are they buying it for – themselves, family, or friends?
  • Where do they feel most comfortable to reach you? In your office, at their homes, on calls, or online chat.

In the 1990s, the home buyers were over 60 years of age. But today, it’s not so.

With many business ideas in Nigeria entertainment industry, most buyers now fall between the age of 35 to 50 years, with a few in their twenties.

2. Real Estate Content Marketing

Knowing your buyers helps you segment them and provide relevant content. It helps you know how to work and what to expect from your content writer.

Let me give you three reasons you need to include content marketing as part of your real estate digital marketing strategy.

  • You Get More Unique Leads

The content marketing institute performed research that showed that content marketing generates three times more leads than traditional marketing.

Real estate businesses with blogs on their website experience over 120% lead growth than those without.

  • You Position as Experts

What content does is this, it educates your reader and takes away every doubt they may have about your integrity?

Someone who is interested in real estate investments and who wants more information about it will head over to google.

The more he reads about your content, the more he sees you as a trusted authority in the real estate industry.

  • You Convert Better

Because you have been able to position as an expert in the real estate business through your content, you wouldn’t do much talking before clients buy from you.

If you forget anything, don’t forget this:

Relevant contents bring about great trust. – Oluboba Ayodeji

Of course, one content is not enough to earn the level of trust that will make a client believe you so easily. You need multiple related ones.

Content marketing places you in a position where you don’t chase but attract serious clients ready to buy.

Invest in content writing; it’s a must have digital marketing strategy for real estate companies.

3. Real Estate Social Media Marketing

What social media platforms are best for real estate business?

Actually, post everywhere. I mean on all the social media platforms. This is what we call Omnichannel marketing.

But that would be too much for you to manage. So, I encourage you stick with this four – Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram. Reasons below.

Facebook and Instagram because of their extensive databases. No other platforms have more details about your prospect than these two.

Since part of your real estate digital marketing strategy is creating videos, use Instagram and its hashtags.

Twitter because of its hashtags. No social media platforms can make you go viral in hours like twitter. All thanks to hashtags.

LinkedIn because of its networks of professionals. No other social media platform can get you more companies’ top executives than LinkedIn.

If you sit and tell yourself the truth, you will realize your most likely buyers or investors are top employees in various companies who have the money but no time to do business.

These are the best social media marketing strategies to market your real estate online in Nigeria.

Also, the recent graduate open to hiring on the platform, you can employ as your sales executive and place them on a commission-based salary.

How often should you post on social media?

Momentum matters in social media marketing. A perfect real estate digital marketing plan will include content categories for each week in a month.

Something like:

  • Monday: Industry News and Showcase Listings
  • Tuesday: Real Estate Tips and Guides
  • Wednesday: Share Blog Content

And more…

Consistency matters and no weeks off. Instead, double down on your social media content posting speed and relevancy.

4. Real Estate Email Marketing Campaign

Here is a deep truth:

Most people who invest in real estate business chooses email as their preferred mode of communication.

Unlike calls, with emails they are not on pressure to take immediate action on your deals. But when they do, they often fulfill it.

Have a place for email marketing in your real estate digital marketing plans and strategy.

With email, you can remind your existing clients of new offers and opportunities they are missing.

What do you communicate via email?

Your emails should include a drip of your weekly blog content, investments and listing promotions.

The listing promotion cycle campaigns you can include in your email marketing include:

  • Coming Soon Campaign

The coming soon email is best before you list the property for sale to the public. They will feel special being the first to know what others don’t know.

Don’t be surprised, you might even sell the property before listing.

  • Just Listed Campaign

If you can’t find buyer in the coming soon campaign. Opt for the just listed campaign. This email campaign should follow immediately you list the property to the public.

Watch them ask for a price. If there is a discount, use this email to inform them.

  • Just Sold Campaign

The last of the campaign in the promotional cycle is the Just Sold Campaign. This is where you show how you sold the property, and a testimonial from the sellers about their satisfaction working with you.

Let your results (transaction images and videos) speak louder than your voice words (texts) here. They will come to expect your next listing.

Read on the best email marketing strategies for your real estate properties.

5. Do Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization SEO plays an important role in digital marketing for real estate agents and companies.

By optimizing your contents with your prospect search, you can rank high on the first page of Google.

More than ever in history, more prospects are searching on Google to locate the best real estate company.

The number of real estate searches is three times greater than previous results. And the reasons are not far-fetched.

  • Easy access to trends and information.
  • Ability to compare among many real estate option deals.
  • Quick contact with agents and companies.
  • Analysis of reviews and comment from previous buyers.

Over 60 percent of these searches, happen on mobile phone and increasing every year.

If your brand ranks high among competitors, you will have an upper hand of making quick sales.

So, you know; it’s not enough to create good content, you need to implement certain real estate SEO to come top of other searches.

And if we work together, I can help build and optimize your entire website for real estate SEO and mobile to generate more organic traffic than you expected.

Learn the best SEO marketing strategies for real estate companies.

Final Thoughts on Real Estate Digital Marketing Strategies

Real estate companies in Nigeria need the best digital marketing strategies to boost their visibility and generate more quality leads.

The growth of the internet has placed a lot of pressure on the real estate business industry and challenges the status quo.

If you desire to meet sales targets and increase revenue, then apply all marketing ideas listed here in your real estate agency.

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